Friday Night Lights Trivia QuizTV Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
What sport is the focus of Friday Night Lights?
a. Hockey
b. Soccer
c. Football
d. Baseball
Football - The show is about a high school football team.
In which state is Friday Night Lights set?
a. New York
b. Florida
c. California
d. Texas
Texas - The show is set in the town of Dillon, Texas.
Who is the team's coach?
a. Matt Saracen
b. Mac Macgill
c. Buddy Garrity
d. Eric Taylor
Eric Taylor - The role of Eric Taylor is done by Kyle Chandler.
Which character ends up being paralysed?
a. Matt Saracen
b. Tim Riggins
c. Brian Williams
d. Jason Street
Jason Street - Jason was the quarterback.
Who is Lyla Garrity's boyfriend?
a. Brian
b. Landry
c. Eric
d. Jason
Jason - Lyla is a cheerleader.
What does Tami Taylor do for a living?
a. Bank Teller
b. Guidance councillor
c. Florist
d. Real Estate Agent
Guidance councillor - Tami works at the same schools as her husband.
What does Matt's father do for a living in the first season?
a. Army
b. Mechanic
c. Car Salesman
d. Music Teacher
Army - Matt has to look after his ailing grandmother while his father is in Iraq.
Which character forms a band?
a. Tim
b. Matt
c. Brian
d. Landry
Landry - Landry is a great student.
Which character on the show works as a stripper?
a. Becky Sproles
b. Lyla Garrity
c. Mindy Collette
d. Julie Taylor
Mindy Collette - Mindy and Tyra are sisters.
What is the name of the football team?
a. Vikings
b. Rebels
c. Panthers
d. Giants
Panthers - The Panther's are the town's pride and joy.
The team coach moves to a new school in the fourth season.
Where is this team located?
a. East Dillon
b. Hampton
c. Austin
d. Norfolk
East Dillon - The new school splits the town's loyalties in half.
What position does Brian play?
a. Kicker
b. Quarter back
c. Line backer
d. Running back
Running back - Late in the series, Brian suffers an injury.
Who is Carlotta?
a. Jason's sister
b. Matt's housekeeper
c. A stripper at the club
d. Buddy's secretary
Matt's housekeeper - Carlotta is living at the house to help take care of Matt's grandmother.
Which player on the team is a borderline alcoholic?
a. Tim
b. Matt
c. Brian
d. Landry
Tim - Tim shows up to practice drunk.
Which character on the show commits murder?
a. Eric
b. Landry
c. Mac
d. Vince
Landry - Landry kills a man who tries to rape Tyra.
What position does J. D. McCoy play?
a. Center
b. Line backer
c. Quarterback
d. Kicker
Quarterback - J. D. is a freshman.
Which character goes to jail?
a. Tim
b. Matt
c. Landry
d. Eric
Tim - Tim goes to jail after his brother's chop shop idea goes sour.

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