For Him Trivia Quiz IIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
Which team won the Super Bowl in 2013?
a. Steelers
b. Packers
c. The Ravens
d. The Bengals
The Ravens - The Ravens defeated the San Francisco 49ers.
In an NHL game, how many officials are on the ice?
a. 4
b. 2
c. 1
d. 6
4 - There are two linesmen and two referees.
Which of these is not a Volkswagen?
a. Rabbit
b. Golf
c. Passat
d. Reliant
Reliant - Volkswagen's current slogan is Das Auto.
What is the world's most widely consumed alcoholic beverage?
a. Vodka
b. Rum
c. Wine
d. Beer
Beer - Beer is also the third most popular beverage after water and tea.
Which plane was nick-named the Flying Fortress in WWII?
a. B-18
b. F-7A
c. B-17
d. B-25
B-17 - The Boeing B-17 is a four engine heavy bomber.
The Silver Falcons are a flying team from which country?
a. South Africa
b. Sweden
c. Australia
d. Germany
South Africa - Sweden's team is called Team 60.
Which board game is won when the flag is captured?
a. Checkers
b. Risk
c. Chess
d. Stratego
Stratego - Each player has 40 game pieces. Play pieces include spies, captains, majors and a marshal.
In the world of model trains, the G in G scale represents which
of the following?
a. Great
b. Gros
c. Garden
d. Going
Gros - Gros is the German word for large or big.
When you are doing yard work, what would you use a thatcher
a. Cleaning rain gutters
b. Removing old dead grass in the lawn
c. Spreading fertilizer
d. Trimming bushes
Removing old dead grass in the lawn - A thatcher, or de-thatcher as they are sometimes called, is used
to take the old grass out of a lawn.
Which of these is not a type of hammer?
a. Phillips
b. Lump
c. Claw
d. Ball Pein
Phillips - The lump hammer is also called a club hammer. These hammers are double headed and often weigh
more than two pounds.
Who plays the role of Nathan D. Muir in the movie "Spy Game"?
a. Robert Redford
b. Jeremy Renner
c. Harrison Ford
d. Sean Connery
Robert Redford - This classic spy film also stars Brad Pitt.
Which of these novels is by Tom Clancy?
a. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
b. The Secret Agent
c. Clear and Present Danger
d. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy
Clear and Present Danger - This novel was released in 1989. A film based on the book was released in
Which alcoholic beverage is made from juniper berries?
a. Grand Marnier
b. Gin
c. Kahlua
d. Vodka
Gin - Gin dates back to the middle ages.
Which car company uses the slogan "Never Follow"?
a. Honda
b. Audi
c. Porsche
d. Ford
Audi - Audi comes from Germany.
Which beer uses the slogan "If you've got the time, we've got
the beer"?
a. Miller
b. Bud
c. Corona
d. Coors
Miller - Miller is an American beer brewing company that is owned by the United Kingdom-based company

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