Food And Drink Trivia Quiz XIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Take a hot coffee, add sugar, mix it with some Whiskey and top it
off with some whipped cream. What do you have?
a. American Coffee
b. Spanish Coffee
c. Irish Coffee
d. Hawaiian Coffee
What Chinese food is believed to have been created by a Japanese
American landscape designer, Makoto Hagiwara, as a way to deliver thank-you notes at the Japanese Tea Garden
in San Francisco?
a. Fortune cookie
b. Chop Suey
c. Mu Shu pork
d. Sushi
Tzatziki is a Greek dish that typically combines yogurt and what
gourd vegetable, which is often pollinated by bees?
a. Watermelon
b. Cucumber
c. Squash
d. Lemon
What flavour is the alcoholic beverage "Cointreau"?
a. Apple
b. Pineapple
c. Orange
d. Grape
Which of these meat dishes is mismatched with the animal from which
the meat comes?
a. Hasenpfeffer - rabbit
b. Brunswick stew - squirrel
c. Shawarma - dog
d. Venison - deer
How did buffalo wings get their name?
a. They are "big enough to feed a buffalo"
b. They are made from buffalo flesh
c. They were invented in the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, New York
d. They were Buffalo Bill Cody's favorite
What melon is named for a Turkish town now known as Turgutlu?
a. Cantaloupe
b. Casaba
c. Calabash
d. Cucumber
The process of cutting decorative zigzags along the edges of fruit
halves is named in honor of the pointed beards found in whose paintings?
a. Van Dyck (vandyking)
b. Turner (turnering)
c. Delacroix (delacrossing)
d. Whistler (whistling)
Arthur Agatston created what fad diet of the early 2000s?
a. Atkins
b. Scarsdale
c. South Beach
d. The Zone
Fricadelles are served with tomato sauce. What are they?
a. Eggs
b. Meatballs
c. Pasta shells
d. Fish eggs
The exact five spices in five-spice powder vary from kitchen to
kitchen. What sort of restaurant would be most likely to serve five-spice flavored food?
a. Chinese
b. Indian
c. French
d. Mexican
What two berries did Rudolph Boysen cross to create a
a. Strawberry and raspberry
b. Raspberry and blackberry
c. Loganberry and blackberry
d. Loganberry and raspberry
Bean threads are made from mung beans, but given the Thai noodle
dish's other name, you might assume they were made from something else. What?
a. Paper
b. Cheese
c. Cellophane
d. Eggs
What would you mix with champagne to produce a "Buck's Fizz"?
a. Orange Juice
b. Grape Juice
c. Cranberry Juice
d. Ginger Ale

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