Food And Drink Trivia Quiz XIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Which of these is not one of the three types of deboned fowl found
in that classic Louisiana cuisine called Turducken?
a. Goose
b. Chicken
c. Turkey
d. Duck
Vodka, orange juice and Galliano. What cocktail?
a. Vodka Sundowner
b. Zombie
c. Harvey Wallbanger
d. Paralyzer
A minion is a servile aide, and the word comes from the French word
that means "mignon," meaning "darling." What food might your darling minion make if you want a filet
a. French fries
b. Dessert
c. Steak
d. Vegetable salad
Beans cause this condition because we lack the enzymes to digest
such carbohydrates as raffinose and stachyose. What condition is this?
a. Headaches
b. Diarrhea
c. Flatulence
d. Blurry vision
Fire? Who needs fire? Take raw hamburger, maybe a raw egg, and you
can prepare what dish, named for horsemen with no time to cook?
a. Beef Bourguignonne
b. Steak Tartare
c. Carpaccio
d. Beef Stroganoff
What ingredient do you add to chop suey, basically, to get chow
a. Vegetables
b. Noodles
c. Soup
d. Eggs
This food has phenols, which inhibit blood clotting. It's even full
of magnesium and caffeine. What is this surprisingly healthy treat?
a. Chocolate
b. Peanut butter
c. Strawberries
d. French fries
Only three fruits are native to the continental United States.
Which of these is not one of them?
a. Cranberry
b. Concord grape
c. Granny Smith apple
d. Blueberry
Consuming what spirit will give you "Dutch Courage"?
a. Vodka
b. Rum
c. Gin
d. Whiskey
What Looney Tunes character is most at risk of being turned into
hasenpfeffer by Elmer Fudd?
a. Tweety Bird
b. Daffy Duck
c. Bugs Bunny
d. Porky Pig
In the world of meat, what is the bone in a T bone?
a. The fifth rib
b. A lumbar vertebra
c. The clavicle
d. The femur
In 1964 Robert Cameron published "The Drinking Man's Diet", which
permitted dieters a range of cocktails. What 21st-century diet did it most resemble?
a. Atkins
b. Paleolithic Diet
c. The Zone
d. Fruitarianism
Mole poblano de guajolote is popular at Mexican celebrations, but
anyone might enjoy it at Thanksgiving. What is it?
a. Chocolate-covered turkey
b. Popcorn dusted with Chile powder
c. Pumpkin pie
d. Cranberry sauce made with tequila
What breakfast staple was invented as a way to help people dampen
both their culinary and sexual appetites?
a. Kellogg's Corn Flakes
b. Tropicana Orange Juice
c. Post Grape-Nuts
d. Dannon Yogurt
A-1 sauce is made in Oxnard, California, as is what product,
normally associated with Dijon in eastern France?
a. Grey Poupon mustard
b. Ernest & Julio Gallo wine
c. Brie cheese
d. Evian water
Creme de Cacao, cream, and brandy. What cocktail?
a. Brandy Alexander
b. Amber Moon
c. Death in the Afternoon
d. Screwdriver

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