Famous Product SlogansFree Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
A memorable advertising slogan is key to a successful product or service. How many products can you line up with their tag line?
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
Kid Tested. Mother Approved.
Kix Cereal - The famous low sugar, round cereal!
Life's Good
LG Electronics - LG manufactures high quality flat panel televisions.
Trusted Everywhere
Duracell Batteries - Called 'The Coppertop'.
Maybe She's Born With It
Maybelline - Maybelline was started in 1915!
We Try Harder
Avis - Avis is headquartered in Parsippany, New Jersey.
Keep Walking
Johhny Walker - Johhny Walker Scotch Whiskey is produced in Scotland.
Gather 'Round the Good Stuff
Pizza Hut - Pizza Hut is owned by the same company that owns Taco Bell.
Makes Mouths Happy
Twizzlers - Twizzlers flavors include chocolate, strawberry and watermelon.
Something Special in the Air
American Airlines - American Airlines is headquartered in Ft. Worth, Texas.
It's not just a job, it's an adventure!
Navy - The Department of the Navy is a division of the Department of Defense.
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