Famous Person Matchup QuizHistory Trivia Questions and Answers -
Printable History Trivia
Position your cursor over the question mark found beside each question for the
a. Roman
b. Babylon
c. Greece
d. Mesopotamian
Martin Luther
a. Founder of the Jesuits
b. Invented the printing press
c. Founder of first protestant church
d. Was a Barbary pirate
Guy Fawkes
a. For trying to blow up the British parliament
b. Started first bank in England
c. Founder of the Jesuits
d. Made the first postage stamp
Louis XIV
a. Defeated the Spanish Armada
b. The longest reign in European history
c. The last Daulphin
d. Married Marie Antoinette
Kublai Khan
a. Conquered Japan
b. Defeated the Shauls
c. Conquered China
d. Was first tsar of Russia
Godfrey of Bouillon
a. Translated the bible into German
b. Leader of the French revolution
c. Leader of the first crusades
d. Defeated Charles the first
Ivan the Terrible
a. Conquered the Ottoman empire
b. First Russian tsar
c. Defeated the Eutruscians
d. Leader in the inquisition
Robert the Bruce
a. Defeated England
b. Defeated France
c. Founded the Franciscan Monks
d. Rid Scotland of snakes
a. First ruler of Bohemia
b. Defeated the Prussians
c. Invaded France
d. Founder of the Teutonic Knights
William the Conqueror
a. Conquered England
b. Conquered Rome
c. Conquered Germany
d. Conquered Poland

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