Famous Movie Quotes IIPrintable Trivia Questions About Quotes From Movies
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"Eat your food, Tina!" is a famous quote from which film?
a. Rushmore b. Juno c. Meet The Tenenbaums d. Napoleon Dynamite
Napoleon Dynamite - Napoleon Dynamite was released in 2004.
"I love women! I respect them so much I completely stay away from them!". Name the comedy film.
a. Scary Movie b. Not Another Teen Movie c. American Pie d. 40 Year Old Virgin
40 Year Old Virgin - 40 Year Old Virgin was released in 2005.
The quote "A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste." comes from which film?
a. Ferris Bullers Day Off b. Steel Magnolias c. American Pie d. American Graffiti
Steel Magnolias - Steel Magnolias was released in 1989.
"After all, tomorrow is another day" is spoken by Vivien Leigh in which film?
a. The Apartment b. Some Like it Hot c. All About Eve d. Gone With the Wind
Gone With the Wind - Gone With the Wind was released in 1939.
"Apollo Creed vs. the Italian Stallion. Sounds like a damn monster movie." is a line from which famous boxing movie?
a. Raging Bull b. Ali c. Cinderella Man d. Rocky
Rocky - Rocky was released in 1976.
The quote "Cinderella story. Outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters champion." comes from which film?
a. Beetlejuice b. Ghostbusters c. Caddyshack d. Groundhog Day
Caddyshack - Caddyshack was released in 1980.
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” is a famous quote from which series of movies?
a. Twilight b. The Lord of the Rings c. Star Trek d. Star Wars
The Lord of the Rings - The first movie in the series was released in 2001.
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Name the movie.
a. Terminator b. Die Hard c. The Princess Bride d. Predator
The Princess Bride - The Princess Bride was released in 1987.
"I am completely operational, and all my circuits are functioning perfectly." Name the Sci-Fi Film.
a. Forbidden Planet b. 2001 - A Space Odyssey c. Starship Troopers d. Star Wars
2001 - A Space Odyssey - 2001 - A Space Odyssey was released in 1968.
"I never really thought of myself as a freak, ya know...but I Love to Freak!" comes from which classic movie?
a. Chinatown b. Bonnie and Clyde c. Five Easy Pieces d. Easy Rider
Easy Rider - Easy Rider was released in 1969.
"I'm single! I love being single! I haven't had this much sex since I was a Boy Scout leader!" is a quote from which famous comedy?
a. Naked Gun b. Scary Movie c. Hot Shots d. Airplane
Naked Gun - Naked Gun was released in 1988.
"I'll have what she's having" is a famous line from which movie?
a. When Harry Met Sally b. Taxi Driver c. Moulin Rouge d. All About Schmidt
When Harry Met Sally - When Harry Met Sally was released in 1989.
"I'm the King of the World" is a famous line from which blockbuster movie?
a. Shakespeare in Love b. Shawshank Redemption c. Titanic d. The Green Mile
Titanic - Titanic was released in 1997.
"I've done some things in my life I'm not proud of, but this is the first time I've ever felt in real danger of hell". Name the movie.
a. Road to Perdition b. The Green Mile c. Stand By Me d. The Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile - The Green Mile was released in 1999.
"Let's all just put our guns down and settle this with a conversation" is a quote from the final scene of which movie?
a. Reservoir Dogs b. Taxi Driver c. The Godfather d. Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs - Reservoir Dogs was released in 1992.
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