Famous Historical Figures Trivia QuizHistory Trivia Questions and
Answers - Printable Trivia
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After becoming the emperor of France, Napoleon also wanted to be
the King of Italy. What city was he crowned in?
a. Milan
b. Napoli
c. Rome
d. Venice
Maria Curie won two Nobel Prizes. What were they?
a. Chemistry, twice
b. Physics and chemistry
c. Chemistry and literature
d. Physics, twice
Nero belonged to which ancient Roman dynasty?
a. Ceacilii Metelli
b. Julio-Claudian
c. Junii
d. Nerva-Antonine
This military award was introduced by one of the rulers of Britain.
It is given for the "... most conspicuous bravery, or some daring or pre-eminent act of valour or
self-sacrifice, or extreme devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy". Which ruler introduced the
a. Queen Victoria
b. King Edward VII
c. Queen Elizabeth II
d. King William III
Where was Jesus Christ born?
a. Nazareth
b. Bethlehem
c. Jerusalem
d. Kansan
How did Joan of Arc die?
a. She was burned at the stake
b. She was poisoned
c. She was decapitated
d. She died of natural causes
The King, Queen and Jack of every color in modern playing cards
represents a real historical figure. The King of Hearts is Charlemagne, the King of Diamonds is Julius Caesar.
Who is the King of Spades?
a. Alexander the Great
b. Hector
c. David
d. Lancelot
Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, "By citizenship, an Indian. By
faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the
heart of Jesus." Who was she by blood?
a. Serbian
b. Macedonian
c. Albanian
d. Indian
What was the nationality of Joseph Stalin?
a. Russian
b. Kazakh
c. Georgian
d. Ukrainian
Simo Hayha is known as one of the best snipers in history with 505
confirmed kills. The Soviets nicknamed him...?
a. The Grim Reaper
b. The Great Sniper
c. The White Death
d. The Finnish Dog
Rodrigo Lanzor de Borja is known as one of the most controversial
popes in history. What was his name as a pope?
a. Alexander VI
b. Pius IX
c. Innocent III
d. Julius II
The only woman present on US currency is...?
a. Martha Washington
b. Alice Lee
c. Michelle Obama
d. Eleanor Roosevelt
Playwright, essayist, poet, dissident and politician, chairman of
the Human Rights Foundation, born in Prague. Whom are we talking about?
a. Ivan Gasparovic
b. Vaclav Havel
c. Vaclav Klaus
d. Lech Walesa
A journalist dubbed Margaret Thatcher the "Iron Lady". Where was he
a. The US
b. United Kingdom
c. The Soviet Union
d. China
According to the book "The Private Life of Chairman Mao", Mao
Zedong had health problems with one particular thing. What was it?
a. Teeth
b. Heart
c. Eyes
d. Brain

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