European History Trivia Questions IIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Who founded Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland?
a. James I
b. Mary Queen of Scots
c. Henry VIII
d. Elizabeth I
Elizabeth I - It is Ireland's oldest university.
In what year was Ivan the Terrible crowned first Czar of
a. 1647
b. 1547
c. 1447
d. 1347
1547 - His reign lasted from 16 January 1547 to 28 March 1584.
Who directed the construction of the "Tower of London"?
a. George I
b. William the Conqueror
c. Queen Victoria
d. Henry VIII
William the Conqueror - Today the castle is a popular tourist attraction.
Who became King of The Netherlands in 1806?
a. Napoleon's Brother Ludwig
b. Leopold I
c. Graf von Lothringen
d. Napoleon
Napoleon's Brother Ludwig - Napoleon had four brothers and three sisters.
When did the abortive "Fenian Uprising" take place in Ireland
against English rule?
a. March 5, 1667
b. March 5, 1867
c. March 5, 1897
d. March 5, 1767
March 5, 1867 - Due to British infiltration and poor planning, the rebellion never got off the ground.
Which of the following were never married to King Henry VIII of
a. Anne of Brittany
b. Katherine Parr
c. Katherine of Aragon
d. Anne of Cleves
Anne of Brittany - Anne of Brittany was married three times, but never to King Henry VIII.
Pope Alexander VI founded the Holy League in 1495 to expel
whose invading forces from Italy?
a. English
b. Moors
c. Holy Roman Empire
d. French
French - Alexander VI was Pope from 1492 to 1503.
When did Britain's Prince Andrew and Sarah, the Dutchess of
York, announce they were getting a divorce?
a. April 16, 1993
b. April 16, 1991
c. April 16, 1996
d. April 16, 1989
April 16, 1996 - Sarah has never remarried.
In 11th Century England, there were two kings with the same
name, one a Dane and one a Saxon. What name?
a. George
b. Henry
c. Harold
d. William
Harold - Harold Harefoot and Harold Godwinson.
Charles I ascended to the English throne on March 27, 1625.
Whom did he succeed?
a. George I
b. William III
c. James II
d. James I
James I - James I rule lasted from 24 March 1603 to 27 March 1625.
Which English king established the "The Most Noble Order of the
Garter" on April 23, 1348?
a. George I
b. Edward I
c. Edward II
d. Edward III
Edward III - The Most Noble Order of the Garter is the highest order of chivalry existing in England.
How old was Mary Stuart when she ascended to the Scottish
a. Two years
b. Twenty-one
c. Twenty-two
d. Six days
Six days - Mary was the only surviving legitimate child of King James V of Scotland when he died.
Who was the founder of the Roman Empire and its first Emperor?
a. Theodosius I
b. Constantine I
c. Augustus
d. Diocletian
Augustus - Augustus ruled from 16 January 27 BC to 19 August AD 14.
Killing between 75 to 200 million people, what devastating
pandemic peaked in Europe between 1348 and 1350?
a. Black Death
b. Plague of Justinian
c. Spanish Flu
d. Antonine Plague
Black Death - It took over 150 years for Europe's population to recover.
What European war was ended with the treaties of Osnabruck and
a. Thirty Years' War
b. Anglo–French War
c. Great Northern War
d. Napoleonic Wars
Thirty Years' War - One of the results of the war was the division of Germany into many territories.

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