Easy Trivia Questions XIVFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Amaretto liqueur uses what type of nut for flavoring?
a. Almonds
b. Cashews
c. Hazel Nuts
d. Walnuts
The cartoon character, Quick Draw McGraw is what type of
a. Fox
b. Pig
c. Horse
d. Duck
What country can be found south of Belgium?
a. Germany
b. Italy
c. France
d. Spain
I originally started out at 8 inches and then was switched to 5 and
a quarter inches and then finally ended up at 3 and a half inches. What am I?
b. Floppy Disk
c. DVD Disk
d. Eight Track Tape
Fozzie, the Muppet, is what kind of animal?
a. Bear
b. Fox
c. Frog
d. Pig
What part of your body is also the name of a punctuation mark?
a. Femur
b. Bicep
c. Colon
d. Buttocks
Feta cheese originated from which country?
a. Sweden
b. France
c. Greece
d. Germany
The baseball team named the Red Sox come from what American
a. Phoenix
b. Boston
c. Jackson
d. Denver
The adult leader of a Girl Guide's Brownie pack is called what?
a. Brown Owl
b. Old Owl
c. Wise Owl
d. Boss Owl
Which science-fiction trilogy starring Michael J. Fox was directed
by Robert Zemeckis?
a. The Mighty Ducks
b. Mission Impossible
c. Back To The Future
d. Blade
The US President John F Kennedy was assassinated in what year?
a. 1963
b. 1960
c. 1969
d. 1971
Name the literary character that falls in love with Rowena.
a. Ivanhoe
b. Tom Sawyer
c. Sir Lancelot
d. Dunbar
What comic strip character has a wife named Flo?
a. Dagwood Bumstead
b. Andy Capp
c. Beetle Bailey
d. Popeye
Davy Crockett was killed during which battle in 1836?
a. Battle of Gonzales
b. Battle of San Jacinto
c. Battle of the Alamo
d. Battle of Waterloo
In the movie, Toy Story 2, the toy Weezy is what type of
a. Penguin
b. Donkey
c. Cow
d. Horse

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