Easy Trivia Questions XIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Which continent does not have any mildew or mold?
If you looked at an American penny, whose picture would you
There are bears all over the United States. Which state has the
largest bears?
What vegetable according to legend did Colonel Robert John eat
outside the court house to prove that it was not poisonous?
Which superhero asked Lois Lane to marry him?
What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?
Which famous person is often depicted flying a kite during a
Who is the author of the book called, The Lorax?
The collie is one of the most recognized breeds of dogs. Where do
they come from?
Morse Code is an old form of communication. What message is
represented by Dash dash dash, dot dot dot, dash dash dash?
Which explorer discovered Puerto Rico?
In 1990, a famous movie was made about a boy being left behind
while his family went on vacation. What was the name of this hit movie?
Many cities have nicknames. The names Dice City and Glitter Gulch,
refer to which city in the United States?
Who is often credited with being the first baseball player to wear
a glove?
Narnia is the magical land in which novel?
Meteorology is the study of what?
Dr. J, Magic and the Bird all played which sport?

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