Dumb and Dumber Trivia QuizMovie Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
What are Lloyd and Harry's last names?
a. Floyd, Jones
b. Rogers, Wilhelm
c. Christmas, Dunne
d. Jones, Atkins
Christmas, Dunne - Lloyd is a limo driver. Harry is a dog groomer.
What is the name of the pet shop Lloyd and Harry plan on
a. I Got Worms
b. Animals and Things
c. Pets R' We
d. The Cat's Meow
I Got Worms - Lloyd informs Mary of this on the way to the airport.
What hockey player makes a cameo as Sea Bass?
a. Bobby Orr
b. Brett Hull
c. Cam Neely
d. Patrick Roy
Cam Neely - Neely retired from the NHL in '96.
What city are Harry and Lloyd traveling to?
a. New York
b. Los Angeles
c. Aspen
d. St. Louis
Aspen - Lloyd mistakenly thinks that Aspen is in California.
In what year was the film released?
a. 1991
b. 2009
c. 2001
d. 1994
1994 - Jim Carrey received $7 million for the film.
Name one of the two actors that turned down the role of Lloyd.
a. Bruce Willis
b. Martin Short
c. Charlie Sheen
d. Bill Murray
Martin Short - Steve Martin also turned down the role.
What is the name of Harry’s pet bird?
a. Petey
b. Tweety
c. Chippy
d. Squawks
Petey - Petey was sold to a blind kid after being decapitated.
Who directed the film?
a. The Farrelly Brothers
b. George Lucas
c. Jason Biggs
d. Martin Scorsese
The Farrelly Brothers - Peter and Bobby are their first names.
Who plays Nicholas Andre, the Swanson’s family friend who
kidnapped Mary’s husband?
a. Bill Murray
b. Robert Downey Jr.
c. Charles Rocket
d. James Woods
Charles Rocket - Rocket committed suicide in 2005
Finish the quote "Tell her I'm rich and uh, I'm good looking
and uh, I have a ________".
a. Rapist Wit
b. Giant Brain
c. Huge Bank Account
d. A Huge Surprise
Rapist Wit - Lloyd meant to say, 'rapier wit'.

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