Doctor Who Trivia QuizFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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What is the name of Doctor Who's home planet?
a. Sigma
b. Klom
c. Gallifrey
d. Adipose
On the show Doctor Who, what is Rose's last name?
a. Tyler
b. Jones
c. Smith
d. Dickens
Which creature on the TV show Doctor Who had a hindbrain?
a. Dalek
b. Ood
c. Sontarans
d. Sisters of Plentitude
Which Queen of England does the Doctor suggest was infected by
a. Elizabeth II
b. Elizabeth I
c. Victoria
d. Mary
Where does Doctor Who meet Martha Jones?
a. In a school
b. In a hospital
c. Ina department store
d. In a library
What is the name of the robotic dog that is on the TV show Doctor
a. Dog
b. K-9
c. Hal
d. Spot
Which companion travels with the Doctor to meet Shakespeare?
a. Rose
b. Martha
c. Mickey
d. Sarah Jane
Which companion of the Doctor gets to meet Charles Dickens?
a. Billie
b. Rose
c. Susan
d. Captain Jack
When did the series Doctor Who debut?
a. 1963
b. 1986
c. 1972
d. 1997
When Doctor Who returned to the air in 2005, which actor was given
the honor of playing the Doctor?
a. Richard Grant
b. Matt Smith
c. Christopher Eccleston
d. Tom Baker
The Doctor seems to arrive on a particular earth holiday. Which
a. Halloween
b. Easter
c. Christmas
d. Labor Day
Which of the Doctor's companions has to have their memory wiped
a. Mickey
b. Donna
c. Sarah Jane
d. Jack
Which volcano does Doctor Who and his companion watch explode?
a. Mount Vesuvius
b. Mount Etna
c. Mount St. Helen
d. Mount Krakatau
What part of his body does the Doctor keep in a jar on the
a. Ear
b. Hand
c. Foot
d. Nose
In which century was Doctor Who's friend Jack born?
a. 19th
b. 51st
c. 12th
d. 37th
How many children does Sarah Jane Smith have on the television show
Doctor Who?
a. One
b. Four
c. Five
d. None
What color is the Tardis?
a. Blue
b. Green
c. Red
d. Yellow

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