Comic Books Trivia QuizFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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There was a fictional comic book within the comic book series
Watchmen. What was it about?
Which one of the following was the first patient in the Arkham
Asylum - Victor Zsasz, Lazlo Valentin or Mad Dog?
Which of the following superheroes did NOT belong to the first
Justice League - Green Arrow, Wonder Woman or Martian Manhunter?
Where is the DMZ?
Which comic book series is wildly popular in Europe, but not so
much in the US - Cyclops series Northlanders or Disney Comics?
Which Spider-Man comic book series introduced the Green Goblin?
What is the real name of Afro Samurai?
Who was Captain America's sidekick?
What is the name of the demon that Al Simmons made a deal with to
become the Hellspawn?
In The Walking Dead, who cuts off Rick's right hand?
In the first issue of Aliens Versus Predator, what was the name of
the predator leader?
Dragon Ball Z features Master Roshi (Kame Sen'nin). What is his
guilty pleasure?
What country is Nightcrawler from?
What was Daredevil's father's profession?
What city does Flash mainly operate in?

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