Classic Movie Trivia QuestionsFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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What was the name of a woman, beloved by King-Kong?
Which classic movie is believed to have introduced grotesque to the
movie genre?
Who invaded the small town where Dr. Miles Bennell worked?
What was Tom Robinson accused of in To Kill A Mockingbird?
What were citizen Kane's first names?
What was the boy's background in 12 Angry Men?
Who was the drill master in Full Metal Jacket?
"What the hell do you know about ___, Major? You're from goddamned
New Jersey!" What is Kilgore (Apocalypse Now) talking about?
Peter Sellers played Capt. Lionel Mandrake and Dr. Strangelove.
What was his third role in the movie?
Rhett Butler doesn't give what?
Who directed the classic 1942 hit, Casablanca?
When did the shootout occur at the beginning of Some Like It Hot
Who wrote A Clockwork Orange, the novel on which the movie of the
same title was based?
Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor met in which movie?
What was the classic movie, directed by George Roy Hill, starring
Paul Newman, Robert Redford and Eileen Brennan?
Who composed the music piece "Thus Spoke Zarathustra", iconic for
the movie 2001 - A Space Odyssey?
Adenoid Hynkel ruled which country? (The Great Dictator)
Who played the detective Miles Archer in The Maltese Falcon?
Who was Guy Haines, the man whom Bruno Antony met on a train?
(Strangers on a Train)
What did Scottie suffer from in Vertigo (1958)?

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