Character Author Matchup QuizLiterature Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
a. Linda Cardellini
b. Virginia Woolf
c. Mary Shelley
d. Penelope Spheris
Mary Shelley - The Modern Prometheus is the novel's sub-title.
Harry Potter
a. Toni Morrison
b. J.K. Rowling
c. Anne Rice
d. Sigourney Weaver
J.K. Rowling - There are seven installments in the Harry Potter series.
Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy
a. Mary Poe
b. Sarah Collins
c. Jane Austen
d. Jane Stevens
Jane Austen - From Pride and Prejudice.
Atticus Finch
a. George Eliot
b. Harper Lee
c. Cynthia Cromwell
d. Anne Rawlings
Harper Lee - From To Kill A Mockingbird.
The Vampire, Lestat
a. Leana Horn
b. Margaret Atwood
c. Cherry Greenstead
d. Anne Rice
Anne Rice - From Interview With The Vampire.
Christian Grey
a. Jane Stevens
b. Stephenie Meyer
c. EL James
d. Hannah Barbara
EL James - From the Fifty Shades Of Grey trilogy.
Curious George
a. Talia James
b. Harper Lee
c. Margaret Rey
d. H.R. Packard
Margaret Rey - She co-authored the Curious George series with her husband.
Edward Cullen
a. Shirley Tamroth
b. Sasha Woodard
c. Sylvia Plath
d. Stephanie Meyer
Stephanie Meyer - From the Twilight series.
John Galt
a. Ayn Rand
b. Louisa May Alcott
c. Tilda Waltworth
d. Suzanne Peters
Ayn Rand - From Atlas Shrugged.
Farley "Fudge" Hatcher
a. Joyce Brothers
b. Maya Angelou
c. Shelia Shelton
d. Judy Blume
Judy Blume - Fudge appeared in four books by Blume.
Atticus Finch
a. Harper Lee
b. Toni Morrison
c. Emily Bronte
d. Maya Angelou
Harper Lee - From the classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird.
Catherine Earnshaw
a. Emily Bronte
b. Margaret Atwood
c. Cherry Greenstead
d. Leana Horn
Emily Bronte - From the novel Wuthering Heights.

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