Candy Trivia QuizFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Which description best suits the Jolly Rancher candy?
a. Fruit flavored and sticky
b. Hard and Sour
c. Hard licorice
d. Soft and sweet
Which candy is not a licorice?
a. Red Vines
b. Snaps
c. Toxic Waste
d. Twizzlers
Which of these candies is not made by the Necco Company?
a. Bit-O-Honey
b. Mary Jane
c. Peach Blossoms
d. Sky Bar
Which candy maker is considered to be the oldest operating candy
manufacturer in America?
a. Candy Dynamics
b. Hersey
c. Necco
d. Nestle
Which candy was the first one to be individually wrapped?
a. Alsorts
b. Jolly Rancher
c. Tootsie Roll
d. Werther's
In 1954, the first peanut M and Ms were created. What color were
a. Green
b. Red
c. Tan
d. Yellow
Which candy features messages like "Be Mine" and "Kiss Me"
imprinted on them?
a. Buttons
b. PEZ
c. Rock
d. Sweethearts
Which candy maker coined the term Lollipop?
a. Bill Harmsen
b. George Smith
c. Hans Riegel
d. John Hershey
What was the first flavor offered by Life Savers?
a. Choc-O-Late
b. Lic-O-Riche
c. Pep-O-Mint
d. Wint-O-Green
Which candy was created in Austria?
a. Candy Cane
b. Gobstoppers
c. Life Savor
d. PEZ
Which candy is also known as a Jaw Breaker?
a. Gobstopper
b. Long Boys
c. Rock
d. Saf-T-Pops
What flavor are Warheads?
a. Chocolate
b. Cinnamon
c. Mint
d. Sour
Who makes Sour Patch?
a. Hershey
b. Kraft Foods
c. Mars
d. Nestle
Which of these candies has been discontinued in the United
a. PEZ
b. Swedish Berry
c. Sweethearts
d. Warheads
Which of these candies does not contain nuts?
a. Black Jacks
b. Big Hunk
c. Sky Bar
d. Chick-O-Sticks

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