Canadian Trivia QuestionsFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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These two future provinces couldn't agree on which one of them
owned Madawaska County. So they rolled dice for it. What are the two provinces?
a. Quebec and New Brunswick
b. Ontario and Manitoba
c. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
d. Quebec and Ontario
What is the only Canadian province whose flag has just two
a. Quebec
b. Newfoundland
c. Saskatchewan
d. British Columbia
Which of these was not one of the Three E's that Westerners
demanded of a reformed Canadian Senate?
a. Effective
b. Elected
c. Extraordinary
d. Equal
What Canadian ambassador to France went on to work for the
dismemberment of Canada?
a. Lucien Bouchard
b. Rene Levesque
c. Jacques Parizeau
d. Gilles Duceppe
What CBC quiz show for high school kids began in Vancouver in 1961,
and later included future Tory leaders Kim Campbell and Stephen Harper as players (although only Campbell made
it on air)?
a. Reach for the Top
b. SmartAsk
c. Trivial Pursuit
d. Who Wants to Win $5
In 1990, who refused the Felix she was awarded as Anglophone artist
of the year?
a. Mitsou
b. Celine Dion
c. Ginette Reno
d. Nanette Workman
Fifteen percent of the entire coastline in the world is Canadian.
But what province has the longest coastline?
a. Newfoundland and Labrador
b. British Columbia
c. Quebec
d. Ontario
In the 2004 Canadian federal election, which of the four leaders
had belonged to a Maoist party until he was 33?
a. Gilles Duceppe
b. Jack Layton
c. Stephen Harper
d. Paul Martin
If you were mailing something to Canada's Parliament, to what
street would the letter carrier take it?
a. Sussex
b. Sparks
c. Wellington
d. Bank
Glen Murray was the first openly gay mayor elected to office in a
major Canadian city. Which one?
a. Halifax
b. Winnipeg
c. Toronto
d. Calgary
What future Canadian prime minister was jailed in Palestine as a
suspected Israeli spy, evacuated from China ahead of Mao's Red Army, detained in the USSR for throwing
snowballs at a statue of Lenin and held by the US Coast Guard for trying to canoe to Cuba?
a. Pierre Trudeau
b. John Turner
c. Kim Campbell
d. Paul Martin
In 1860, New Brunswick Postmaster General Charles Connell issued a
new series of stamps for the colony. Who or what did the 5-cent stamp depict?
a. Charles Connell
b. Queen Victoria
c. A beaver
d. A maple leaf

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