Canadian History Trivia Questions #2Free Trivia Questions - Printable
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Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?
a. Sir John Abbott
b. Sir Mackenzie Bowell
c. Sir John A. Macdonald
d. Sir Charles Tupper
Sir John A. Macdonald - Sir John A. Macdonald served as Prime Minister for nineteen years.
When did Canada order the expulsion of Acadians?
a. 1827
b. 1903
c. 1755
d. 1868
1755 - This expulsion resulted in 12, 000 Acadians being moved.
When did Canada become a self governing colony?
a. 1792
b. 1867
c. 1756
d. 1902
1867 - The Dominion of Canada was formed in 1867. This came about after the London Conference of 1866.
Which was the last Province to join Canada?
a. British Columbia
b. Prince Edward Island
c. Saskatchewan
d. Newfoundland
Newfoundland - Newfoundland and Labrador joined Canada in 1949.
After Confederation which was the first province to join
a. Alberta
b. Manitoba
c. Quebec
d. The Northwest Territories
Manitoba - Manitoba officially joined in 1870.
Which one of these people was a major part of the Red River
a. John Molson
b. Louis Riel
c. William Lyon Mackenzie King
d. Arthur Meighen
Louis Riel - Louis David Riel was a politician and spiritual leader in Manitoba.
When was the North-West Rebellion?
a. 1833
b. 1857
c. 1885
d. 1796
1885 - This Rebellion is also referred to as The Second Riel Rebellion.
When were the North West Mounted Police founded?
a. 1936
b. 1873
c. 1846
d. 1904
1873 - This police force was started in 1873. Its name was changed to the Royal Northwest Mounted Police
in 1904.
When did Canada declare war on Germany?
a. December 4th 1939
b. June 5th 1940
c. September 10th 1939
d. February 26th 1940
September 10th 1939 - Canada declared war a week after Great Britain, in an effort to establish itself
as an independent nation.
Who was the Prime Minister of Canada during WWII?
a. Arthur Meighen
b. John Diefenbaker
c. Sir Robert Borden
d. William Lyon Mackenzie King
William Lyon Mackenzie King - William Lyon Mackenzie King was the longest serving Canadian Prime
Who was the first female Governor General of Canada?
a. Kim Campbell
b. Adrianne Clarkson
c. Michelle Jean
d. Jean Sauve
Jean Sauve - Sauve was the 23rd Governor of Canada.
Who is the current Governor General of Canada (2013)?
a. Ray Hnatyshyn
b. Michelle Jean
c. David Lloyd Johnson
d. Romeo LeBlanc
David Lloyd Johnson - David Johnson was appointed to this position on the 1st of October, 2010.
What is the oldest company in Canada?
a. Hudson's Bay Company
b. Sears
c. Labatt
d. Molson Brewery
Hudson's Bay Company - The Hudson's Bay Company has been in business for over 340 years.
What does the word Saskatchewan mean?
a. Swift flowing river
b. Fertile ground
c. Flat land
d. Home of the buffalo
Swift flowing river - The province of Saskatchewan was named after the Saskatchewan River.
Who was the commander of the British troops on the Plains of
a. James Wolfe
b. Francis Parkman
c. William Pitt
d. Guy Carleton
James Wolfe - James Wolfe was shot three times during the battle.

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