Canadian Geography Trivia QuestionsGeography Trivia Questions and
Answers - Printable Geography Trivia
Position your cursor over the question mark found beside each question for the
What is the largest province in Canada?
What is the smallest province in Canada?
What is the largest fresh water island in Canada?
What is the largest lake in Canada?
Which of these cities does the Bow River run through? Calgary,
Kingston or Trois Rivieres?
What is the tallest Mountain in Canada?
Oak Island is a part of which province?
What is the name of the northern most city (town) in Canada?
What is the eastern most point in Canada?
What is the highest city (town) in Canada?
Which city has the average warmest temperature?
What are the highest falls in Canada?
Which city in Canada gets the most rain per year?
Where is the exact center of Canada?
What is the deepest lake in Canada?
What is the western most city (town) in Canada?
In which province would you find the Nelson River?
What is the longest river in Canada?
Which Canadian city has the reputation of being the coldest?

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