Business And Industry Trivia QuizFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Henry Ford was obsessed with this food item, and in 1941, his
company even produced a car whose body was made of a plastic largely derived from it. What?
a. Soybeans
b. Cellulose
c. Rubber
d. Ivory
Soybeans - Ford did not invent the first automobile. However, he did manufacture the first automobile
that was affordable to middle class Americans.
W. Edwards Deming was born in Iowa, but his ideas about quality
control helped what other country build international markets at American expense?
a. Germany
b. Japan
c. Canada
d. China
Japan - Deming received the Distinguished Career in Science award from the National Academy of Sciences
in 1988.
What media mogul, Harley Davidson rider and self-described
"Capitalist Tool" claimed a business tax deduction on the $2-million 70th-birthday party he threw himself in
a. Robert Maxwell
b. Richard Branson
c. Rupert Murdoch
d. Malcolm Forbes
Malcolm Forbes - Malcolm was publisher of Forbes magazine until his death in 1990. Today the company is
run by his son Steve Forbes.
Talk about working both sides of the street! Just hours after
acquiring Slim-Fast, Anglo-Dutch consumer giant Unilever also acquired what business?
a. Mrs Fields
b. Cadbury
c. Taco Bell
d. Ben and Jerry's
Ben and Jerry's - According to 2011 revenues, Unilever is the world's third-largest consumer goods
Once the world's largest manufacturers of horse-drawn
carriages, what South Bend automaker merged with Packard?
a. Nash
b. Tucker
c. Studebaker
d. Hudson
Studebaker - The South Bend plant closed in 1963.
Jeffrey Wigand, the VP of research and development of Brown and
Williamson, was the insider who blew the whistle on which of its products?
a. Packaged meat
b. Pharmaceuticals
c. Revolvers
d. Cigarettes
Cigarettes - Jeffrey appeared on 60 Minutes and stated that Brown and Williamson had intentionally
increased the amount of Nicotine in its cigarette smoke.
What economist half-jokingly suggested that the Treasury bury
bottles full of money in old coal mines and let private business compete to dig it up?
a. John Maynard Keynes
b. Friedrich Hayek
c. John Kenneth Galbraith
d. Milton Friedman
John Maynard Keynes - Time magazine included John in their list of the 100 most important and
influential people of the 20th century.
Rick Bronson was an organizer for the Teamsters. In 2003, what
company allegedly fired Bronson for drinking a Pepsi while on the job?
a. Wal-Mart
b. Coca-Cola
c. U-Haul
d. Federal Express
Coca-Cola - According to news reports, Bronson was wearing his Coke uniform and was on company time when
he drank the Pepsi.
In 1921, Communist workers seized this company's plants, only
to ask company founder Giovanni Agnelli to take them back. What company was this?
a. Lamborghini
b. Porsche
c. BMW
d. Fiat
Fiat - The next year Fiat started building an enormous factory in Lingotto.
What Buddhist kingdom introduced the "Gross National Happiness"
as a way to balance the Gross National Product?
a. Nepal
b. Sri Lanka
c. Bhutan
d. Thailand
Bhutan - As Druk Gyalpo, or Dragon King, Jigme Singye Wangchuck gingerly opened the Himalayan country to
Named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, how might
the Pareto Principle apply to your workplace?
a. Every mistake is made twice
b. The inept always rise to the top
c. Credit rises; blame falls
d. 20 percent of us do 80 percent of the work
20 percent of us do 80 percent of the work - Or, more precisely, according to the Law of the Vital Few,
for many events and sets of data, 80 percent of the effects come from 20 percent of the causes. He came up with
it in 1906 when he noticed that 20 percent of Italians owned 80 percent of the land.
John Sculley was president of Pepsi until he was asked, "Do you
want to just sell sugared water for the rest of your life, or do you want to change the world?" Of what
company did he then become CEO?
a. Apple
b. Yahoo
c. Haliburton
d. MTV
Apple - In 1985, Sculley ended up firing the increasingly tyrannical Jobs, who went on to found NeXT and
Sherron Watkins blew the whistle on what corporation, of which
she was a VP of corporate development?
a. Haliburton
b. Enron
c. WorldCom
d. Arthur Andersen
Enron - Sherron was selected as one of three 'People of the Year 2002' by Time.
What hotel chain started out in 1960 from a modest motor inn in
a rough neighborhood in downtown Toronto?
a. Radisson
b. Four Seasons
c. Ramada
d. Best Western
Four Seasons - Canadian businessman Isadore Sharp founded Four Seasons.
In Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, whom did
the Supreme Court give the same rights as any other person?
a. Corporations
b. Black people
c. Women
d. Indians
Corporations - The county had attempted to tax the railroad.

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