Author Book Matchup Quiz IILiterature Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
Pride and Prejudice
a. Charlotte Bronte b. Jane Austen c. Elizabeth Gaskell d. Virginia Woolf
Jane Austen - Published on January 28, 1813.
The Canterbury Tales
a. George Eliot b. Geoffrey Chaucer c. Charles Dickens d. Mark Twain
Geoffrey Chaucer - Published in 1475.
Crime and Punishment
a. Fyodor Dostoevsky b. Gustave Flaubert c. William Faulkner d. Alfred Doblin
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Published in 1866.
The Old Man and the Sea
a. Ernest Hemingway b. Thomas Mann c. Toni Morrison d. James Joyce
Ernest Hemingway - Published in 1952.
Gulliver's Travels
a. Hans Christian Andersen b. William Faulkner c. Jonathan Swift d. Walt Whitman
Jonathan Swift - Published in 1726.
Great Expectations
a. James Joyce b. Mark Twain c. Charles Dickens d. Ralph Ellison
Charles Dickens - Published in 1861.
Farenheit 451
a. Steven King b. Isaac Asimov c. Ray Bradbury d. H. G. Wells
Ray Bradbury - Published in 1953.
Lord of the Flies
a. Joseph Heller b. Anthony Burgess c. William Golding d. Aldous Huxley
William Golding - Published on September 17, 1954.
The Grapes of Wrath
a. William Faulkner b. J. D. Salinger c. John Steinbeck d. Ralph Ellison
John Steinbeck - Published in 1939.
To Kill a Mockingbird
a. Truman Capote b. Flannery O'Connor c. Margaret Mitchell d. Harper Lee
Harper Lee - Published on July 11, 1960.
The Lord of the Rings
a. George R. R. Martin b. J. K. Rowling c. C. S. Lewis d. J.R.R. Tolkien
J.R.R. Tolkien - Published on July 29, 1954.
Slaughterhouse Five
a. John Irving b. Philip K. Dick c. Joseph Heller d. Kurt Vonnegut
Kurt Vonnegut - Published in March of 1969.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
a. Aldous Huxley b. Terry Pratchett c. Isaac Asimov d. Douglas Adams
Douglas Adams - Published in 1979.
The Hunt For Red October
a. Peter Telep b. James Patterson c. Clive Cussler d. Tom Clancy
Tom Clancy - Published in 1984.
Nineteen Eighty-Four
a. Orson Welles b. Ray Bradbury c. George Orwell d. H. G. Wells
George Orwell - Published on June 8, 1949.
The Catcher in the Rye
a. J. D. Salinger b. John Steinbeck c. F. Scott Fitzgerald d. Ernest Hemingway
J. D. Salinger - Published in 1951.
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