Animals Trivia Quiz E5Free Trivia Questions - Printable
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What is the largest rodent in North America?
a. Ground hog
b. Beaver
c. Porcupine
d. Kangaroo rat
Beaver - An adult beaver weighs about 20 kg.
The hydochoerus is what kind of animal?
a. Beaver
b. Possum
c. Capybara
d. Mouse
Capybara - The capybara is the world's largest rodent.
What is another name for the Muskeget vole?
a. Beach vole
b. Singing vole
c. Tundra vole
d. Water vole
Beach vole - These voles live on Muskeget Island.
What animal has spade-shaped forefeet adapted for digging?
a. Marsh rabbit
b. Chipmunk
c. Grey squirrel
d. Eastern mole
Eastern mole - The Eastern Mole builds burrows.
In which of the following states could you see a long-eared
a. Maine
b. Alaska
c. Nevada
d. Florida
Nevada - These animals can also be seen in California.
Seminole, Northern, Spotted and Haory are all breeds of what
kind of animal?
a. Bat
b. Rabbit
c. Mouse
d. Squirrel
Bat - The Seminole is a type of vesper or common bat.
On which of these islands could you see an Island Fox?
a. Channel Islands of California
b. Vansittart Island
c. Opposite Island
d. Graham Island
Channel Islands of California - These animals can be found on six of the eight islands.
Which of these is not another name for a coyote?
a. Prairie Wolf
b. Brush Wolf
c. American Jackal
d. Dire Wolf
Dire Wolf - The Dire Wolf is an extinct mammal.
In which state would you be able to see a Kodiak Bear?
a. Maine
b. Colorado
c. Utah
d. Alaska
Alaska - The Kodiak is also called the Alaskan Grizzly Bear.
What is the proper term for a baby racoon?
a. Joey
b. Pup
c. Whelp
d. A kit
A kit - Racoons have between two and five kits. Babies are also called cubs.
The male of which species of animal can be referred to as a
dog, a Jack, a hob or a buck?
a. Camel
b. Weasel
c. Wolf
d. Fox
Weasel - The females can be called a bitch, a doe or a Jill.
Which animal that was wiped out in Alaska in the early 1900s
was reintroduced in 1935?
a. Grey Wolf
b. Badger
c. Brown Bear
d. Muskox
Muskox - The muskox was introduced by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
What is another word for wapiti?
a. Beaver
b. Elk
c. Skunk
d. Wolverine
Elk - Elk are one of the largest members of the deer family.
What is the only kind of native North American animal that has
antibiotics in its skin?
a. Ferret
b. Vole
c. Kangaroo rat
d. Porcupine
Porcupine - Porcupines are near sighted and slow moving.
What kind of animal whistles to alert other members of its
species to dangers?
a. Hoary marmot
b. Jumping mouse
c. Texas antelope squirrel
d. Pocket gopher
Hoary marmot - They are sometimes called whistle pigs.

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