Ancient Greece Trivia QuizHistory Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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Often referred to as the "Father of Geometry," who wrote the famous mathematical work "Elements"?
a. Plato b. Socrates c. Euclid d. Pythagoras
Euclid - Very few details are known about Euclid's life including when he was born, or when he died.
Who was the Greek Goddess of love, pleasure and procreation?
a. Irene b. Hymen c. Demeter d. Aphrodite
Aphrodite - Aphrodite's Roman equivalent is the goddess Venus.
Widely considered the founder of trigonometry, which Greek ruler was assassinated in 514?
a. Solon b. Draco c. Hippias d. Hipparchus
Hipparchus - Hipparchus was probably the first person to develop a reliable method to predict solar eclipses.
Sometimes credited as the first economist, what kind of works were written by Hesiod?
a. Romances b. Poetry c. Speeches d. Plays
Poetry - Hesiod was active between 750 and 650 BC.
Who, from Ancient Greece, is known as the "Father of Medicine"?
a. Hippocrates b. Plato c. Pythagoras d. Tales
Hippocrates - Still used today, Hippocrates is credited with coining the Hippocratic Oath.
One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, which sculptor sculpted the "Statue of Zeus at Olympia"?
a. Philos b. Pheidippides c. Phillipes d. Phidias
Phidias - The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was a giant seated figure that stood about 42 ft tall.
Which Greek figure invented the principle that a body weighed less when immersed in water?
a. Aristotle b. Archimedes c. Socrates d. Plato
Archimedes - Archimedes was killed by a Roman soldier during the Siege of Syracuse.
Daughter of Zeus, Athena was the Greek Goddess of what?
a. Birth b. Marriage c. Love d. Wisdom
Wisdom - Athena's Roman equivalent is Minerva.
Which of the following was NOT a Greek order of architecture?
a. Doric b. Corinthian c. Ionic d. Tuscan
Tuscan - Tuscan is a primitive Italic architectural form.
Reshaping the ancient Greek world, whom did the Greeks fight in the Peloponnesian war?
a. Rome b. France c. Crete d. Sparta
Sparta - The Peloponnesian War marked an end to the golden age of Greece.
Son of Zeus and Leto, Apollo was the Greek God of what?
a. Music and Poetry b. Life and Death c. Home and Hearth d. Love and Life
Music and Poetry - Apollo had a twin sister named Artemis.
Covering a few weeks in the final year of the Trojan War, who wrote "The Iliad"?
a. Homer b. Cicero c. Plato d. Euripides
Homer - The Iliad contains 15,693 lines.
Who was the Greek equivalent of the Roman God Vesta?
a. Hestia b. Amphitrite c. Hephaestus d. Eos
Hestia - Hestia was a virgin goddess of the hearth and architecture.
In what year (BC) were the first Olympic Games held?
a. 1776 b. 276 c. 776 d. 1276
776 - The Ancient Olympic Games were held every four years in Olympia, Greece.
Plato was a pupil of which other leading Greek figure?
a. Aristotle b. Socrates c. Thespis d. Aeschylus
Socrates - Plato is credited with creating the first institution of higher learning in the Western world.
Often identified as the "Father of Tragedy," which Greek playwright wrote the "Oresteia" trilogy?
a. Thespis b. Sophocles c. Euripides d. Aeschylus
Aeschylus - Oresteia is a trilogy of Greek tragedies.
Who is often recorded as the founder of Greek Philosophy?
a. Pythagoras b. Plato c. Thales d. Aristotle
Thales - Thales is also been heralded as the first true mathematician.
What is the Ancient Greek legal term used to describe the city and surrounding area?
a. Collis b. Mollies c. Trollies d. Polis
Polis - Polis literally means city in Greek.
What was the name of the first Greek civilization?
a. Achaeans b. Tuscans c. Dorian's d. Mycenaean
Mycenaean - The Mycenaean civilization expired with the collapse of the Bronze-Age civilization in the eastern Mediterranean.
Who was the Greek God of Witchcraft and magic?
a. Hecate b. Pan c. Hebe d. Ea
Hecate - Hecate is most often shown holding two torches or a key.
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