American History Trivia Questions IIIFree Trivia Questions and
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In his acceptance speech as the Democratic presidential nominee,
who said, "We stand at the edge of a New Frontier ... the frontier of unfulfilled hopes and dreams"?
a. John Kennedy
b. George McGovern
c. Lyndon Johnson
d. Jimmy Carter
In 1968, a president's grandson married another president's
daughter. Who were the two presidents?
a. Eisenhower and Nixon
b. Truman and Kennedy
c. Johnson and Kennedy
d. Roosevelt and Truman
What embarrassing details were in the Pentagon Papers that Rand
Corporation analyst Daniel Ellsberg leaked to the New York Times?
a. Nixon's links to Watergate
b. Information about 9/11
c. A history of US lies about Vietnam
d. American plans for assassinating Castro
What president used his farewell address to warn America of
"unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex"?
a. Franklin Roosevelt
b. Dwight Eisenhower
c. Woodrow Wilson
d. George Washington
Hanged in New York City by the British as a spy, whose last words
were probably, "It is the duty of every good officer to obey any order given him by his commander-in-chief,"
not "I regret that I have but one life to give for my country"?
a. Nathan Hale
b. Ethan Allan
c. Thomas Paine
d. Patrick Henry
What US war ended with a treaty signed in Ghent, Belgium, that
pretty much left everything exactly as it had been before the war began?
a. War of 1812
b. World War II
c. World War I
d. Vietnam War
Found opposite his bust on the nickel, what was the name of the
35-room house that Thomas Jefferson designed for himself?
a. Monticello
b. Mount Vernon
c. Hermitage
d. Hyde Park
In 1948, "Landslide Lyndon" Johnson won a Senate race in what state
by a mere 87 votes, most of which he probably stole?
a. Florida
b. Arkansas
c. Texas
d. Georgia
In accepting his party's 1964 presidential nomination, who said,
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice" and "Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue"?
a. Barry Goldwater
b. Ronald Reagan
c. Bob Dole
d. Richard Nixon
Vowing to "end to poverty and racial injustice," Lyndon Johnson
launched an expansive liberal agenda. What was that agenda called?
a. Great Society
b. New Frontier
c. New Deal
d. Square Deal
What future president won a medal for his "courage, endurance and
excellent leadership" after PT 109 was sunk by the Amigiri, a Japanese destroyer in the Solomon Islands?
a. Lyndon Johnson
b. John Kennedy
c. George HW Bush
d. Jimmy Carter
John Connally, who was riding with JFK when he was killed, was also
shot in the back. Who was he at the time?
a. A security guard
b. The driver
c. The governor of Texas
d. The mayor of Dallas
Elected in Illinois, what future US ambassador was the first black
woman elected to the Senate?
a. Carol Moseley-Braun
b. Barbara Jordan
c. Shirley Chisholm
d. Maxine Waters
Treasure hunters like digging up Gardiners Island, at the eastern
end of Long Island, looking for which pirate's treasure?
a. Captain Kidd
b. Blackbeard
c. Long John Silver
d. Captain Hook
Who crushed Barry Goldwater and set a record by winning 61 percent
of the votes cast in a presidential election?
a. Lyndon Johnson
b. Richard Nixon
c. John Kennedy
d. Jimmy Carter

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