American History Trivia Questions IIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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What president was fond of quoting the Russian proverb "Doveryay,
no proveryay," meaning "Trust, but verify"?
a. Bill Clinton
b. Franklin Roosevelt
c. Ronald Reagan
d. Richard Nixon
What state booted Sam Houston from the governor's office when he
refused to swear allegiance to the Confederacy?
a. Florida
b. Texas
c. Louisiana
d. Kansas
Oliver was the hero of the Battle of Lake Erie during the War of
1812. His brother Matthew opened Japan to trade in 1854. What was their last name?
a. Farragut
b. Dewey
c. Perry
d. Nimitz
What war was a military training ground for a bevy of Civil War
leaders, including Ulysses Grant, William Sherman, George McClellan, George Meade, Robert E Lee, Stonewall
Jackson and Jefferson Davis?
a. Mexican War
b. War of 1812
c. Spanish-American War
d. World War I
While rampaging through Washington, what country burned down the US
Capitol and the White House and forced the US president to flee for the countryside?
a. Mexico
b. Great Britain
c. France
d. Russia
Lee Harvey Oswald probably killed two people on November 22, 1963.
One was JFK. The other was JD Tippit. Who was Tippit?
a. A police officer
b. A movie theater usher
c. His neighbor
d. A nighclub owner
In 1958, what future president said, "I am a free man, an American,
a United States Senator, and a Democrat, in that order"?
a. John Kennedy
b. Jimmy Carter
c. Lyndon Johnson
d. Bill Clinton
In 1960, I became the first person outside the Ford family to
become that company's president. Five weeks later, I became JFK's secretary of defense. Who am I?
a. Dean Rusk
b. Sargent Shriver
c. Robert McNamara
d. John Foster Dulles
In-mut-too-yah-lat-lat means "thunder coming up from the water over
the land". How do we know this Nez Perce chief?
a. Geronimo
b. Sitting Bill
c. Chief Joseph
d. Crazy Hors
I made Thomas Eagleton my vice-presidential running mate, but
dumped him when it came out that he'd been hospitalized three times for depression and had undergone
electroshock therapy. Sergeant Shriver and I were massacred at the polls anyway. Who am I?
a. Walter Mondale
b. Bob Dole
c. George McGovern
d. Barry Goldwater
Born in Orange, Ohio, who was the last president born in a log
a. Andrew Jackson
b. Ulysses Grant
c. James Garfield
d. Abraham Lincoln
Which future president beat Tecumseh's Indian confederacy in
Indiana at the Battle of Tippecanoe?
a. William Henry Harrison
b. Zachary Taylor
c. John Tyler
d. Andrew Jackson
What was Rutherford B Hayes's middle name?
a. Blount
b. Birchard
c. Bysshe
d. Brownell
Called "Queen Victoria in breeches" for his puritan ways, which
president had a teetotaling wife known as Lemonade Lucy, who happened to introduce the White House Easter egg
a. Rutherford Hayes
b. Jimmy Carter
c. Franklin Pierce
d. Andrew Johnson
Surprisingly, on what day in July 1776 did the Continental Congress
actually declare independence?
a. On July 2
b. On July 11
c. On July 16
d. On July 31

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