2003 Trivia Quiz2003 History Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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Who was the American reporter that was beheaded by Al-Qaeda in 2003?
a. Walter Kwok b. Bobby Dunbar c. Daniel Pearl d. Peter Lorenz
Daniel Pearl - Kidnapped in Pakistan, Daniel's horrible execution was videotaped for the world to see.
Which monarch passed away on the 30th of March, 2003?
a. Princess Anne b. Queen Beatrix c. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother d. Princess Margret
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother - The Queen Mother was born in 1900. She was one hundred and two at the time of her death.
Located on Rhode Island, what was the name of the club that burned on February 20th, 2003 resulting in the death of 100 people?
a. The Hollywood b. The Castle Rock c. The White Elephant d. Station Nightclub
Station Nightclub - An additional 230 people were injured in the fire.
In 2003, where was the Serbian Prime minister assassinated?
a. Prague b. Istanbul c. Belgrade d. Amsterdam
Belgrade - Prime Minister Zoran Dindic was shot by Zvezdan Jovanovic.
Which nation did the United States invade on the 19th of March, 2003?
a. Libya b. Afghanistan c. Iraq d. Kuwait
Iraq - This date marked the beginning of the Iraq War.
What was the name of the first cloned deer, which was born on the 23rd of May 2003?
a. Harry b. Dewey c. Bernie d. Dolly
Dewey - Dewey was born at Texas A and M University.
The United Nations authorized a peacekeeping mission to which country in 2003?
a. Congo b. South Africa c. Kuwait d. Liberia
Liberia - Liberia is a small nation in West Africa, bordered by The Ivory Coast and Guinea.
Which nation launched Shenzhou 5 on the 15th of October, 2003?
a. Japan b. Russia c. France d. China
China - Shenzhou 5 was China's first manned space launch.
Who did U.S. soldiers capture on the 13th of December, 2003?
a. Osama Bin Laden b. Gary Ridgeway c. Anas al-Libi d. Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein - The former president of Iraq, Saddam was found hiding in a hole in the ground by the US 4th Infantry Division.
Which country suffered a major snag to its space program in 2003, when a rocket explosion killed 21 technicians?
a. America b. China c. Brazil d. North Korea
Brazil - The explosion occurred at the Brazilian Rocket Complex in Alcantara, Brazil.
Which terrorist group took hostages in Colombia, on the 15th of September, 2003?
a. ELN b. FLQ c. Al Qaeda d. IRA
ELN - This group is called the National Liberation Army, or in Spanish, the Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional(ELN).
Which children's entertainer passed away on the 27th of February, 2003?
a. Fred Rogers b. Ernie Coombs c. Paul Ruebens d. Bob Keeshan
Fred Rogers - Fred Rogers was also a writer and a minister.
In 2003, the first person with SARS is admitted to the hospital. Where was the hospital located?
a. Vietnam b. France c. Great Britain d. The United States
Vietnam - The first person to be admitted to the hospital was an American. Both, he and the doctor, later died of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
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