2000s Movie Trivia Questions IIEntertainment Trivia Questions -
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Which famous musician was an inspiration for Heath Ledger's Joker
in "The Dark Knight"?
a. Gene Simmons
b. Keith Richards
c. Tom Waits
d. Tom Morello
What is the second film in The Vengeance Trilogy by Park
a. Oldboy
b. Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
c. Sympathy for Mr Vengeance
d. Vengeance
Which Paul Thomas Anderson movie is based on the book "Oil" by
Upton Sinclair?
a. Magnolia
b. Punch-Drunk Love
c. There Will Be Blood
d. Syrianna
Who played the role of Bilbo Baggins in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy?
a. Bernard Hill
b. Ian Holm
c. John Rhys-Davies
d. Bruce Hopkins
In 2004 movie "Crash" who played the role of Jean Cabot, the wife
of the District Attorney?
a. Terrence Howard
b. Charlize Theron
c. Sandra Bullock
d. Thandie Newton
Who composed the soundtrack for a 2007 film "Into the Wild"?
a. Trent Reznor
b. Scott Weiland
c. Eddie Vedder
d. Chris Cornell
This movie by the Cohen brothers is a remake of a film made in
1955. What movie?
a. No Country for Old Men
b. The Ladykillers
c. Fargo
d. Brother, Where Art Thou?
This movie is sometimes referred to as the "African Schindler's
List". What movie?
a. Tears of the Sun
b. Hotel Rwanda
c. Blood Diamond
d. Johnny Mad Dog
The Tesla -Alley duet in "The Prestige" was performed by two
celebrities. One was Dawid Bowie. Who was the other one?
a. Andy Serkis
b. Ricky Jay
c. Michael Caine
d. Christian Bale
Who was Hattori Hanzo in "Kill Bill"?
a. A member of the Deadly Viper Squad
b. A hitman
c. A sword smith
d. A doctor
Wladyslaw Szpilman was the main character from the movie "The
Pianist" by Roman Polanski. What city was Szpilman from?
a. Berlin
b. Drezden
c. Warsaw
d. Lodz
The main character of this film had anterograde amnesia. What
a. Memento
b. Donnie Darko
c. The Best of Youth
d. Swades
According to Borat, Kazakhstan is the world leader in exporting
a. Potassium
b. Penicillin
c. Prostitutes
d. Potatoes
The movie "Babel" takes place in four different countries. Which of
the following is not one of them?
a. Morocco
b. Mexico
c. Afghanistan
d. USA
Who directed the movie "Traffic"?
a. Steven Soderbergh
b. Spike Lee
c. Kang Je-gyu
d. John Maybury

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