What is Scrimshaw?

The Surface of a Bone

Scrimshaw is the traditional art of drawing or etching on bone or ivory. The most notable people who practiced the art of scrimshaw were whalers and the Inuit. Sailors on board whaling ships often did scrimshaw as a way to pass the time on long voyages.  Most of the early scrimshaw done by whalers portrays maritime life. Inuit people would depict scenes of their daily lives, their hunts and their activities.

Whalers would primarily use needles to do their scrimshaw, and most of their work was done on whale teeth and bone. Whale bone and teeth were obviously easy to come by and were not a valuable part of the catch. Early whalers were killing whales for the oil and not for the teeth or bone.

Once the sailor had his design etched, he would then darken it by using either tobacco juice or soot. Many of the early designs lacked detail, and the execution was not very good. This could be because most of the work was done aboard ship and often at night by small lanterns. Today’s Today, artists do not have to contend with unpredictable seas or winds. They not only work with  good lighting but also often use a magnifying glass to help with really detailed areas.

Scrimshaw is different from carving in the way that it is done. Carving is done, for the most part, with knives whereas scrimshaw is done using needles. A person who does scrimshaw is called a scrimshander.

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Alcatraz Trivia

Alcatraz, is one of the most infamous prisons in the history of the USA. Its name alone, provokes images of small cells, prisoners in striped uniforms and horrific conditions. It is said that the percentage of prisoners that went crazy while being held on Alcatraz was higher than in any other prison in the States. While it was operating Alcatraz became the home of some of the most infamous criminals in the US. Today, Alcatraz is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area and has over 1.4 million visitors every year.

Alcatraz Island was discovered by Juan Manuel de Ayala in 1775. Juan was a Spaniard, who was charting the coast of North America. It was he who named the island La Isla De Los Alcatraz.

La Isla de los Alcatraz translates to mean “Island of the Pelican”. The island is home to more than 100 different kinds of birds, among its residents are the endangered Brown Pelican and the Peregrine Falcon.

Other interesting trivia facts about Alcatraz:

– Prisoners were not executed on Alcatraz. State executions were carried out in San Quentin.

– Alcatraz is located in San Francisco Bay. The island is about 22 acres in size and has no water source of its own. Aside from its vast bird population, the only other animal residents on the island are salamanders, slugs and deer mice.

– Alcatraz is home to the first light house on the West coast of the USA. The lighthouse which was completed in 1854 stands 166 feet tall. To warn ships of the danger, a heavy bell was added to the lighthouse which was struck by a mechanical hammer every ten seconds. Continue reading