It is becoming more and more common for musicians to make the jump from the recording industry to the world of acting. For some, their appearances were little more than cameos while others have been cast in major roles. Many of these jumps have been very successful while others, have left a lot to be desired.
Canadian musician Alanis Nadine Morissete is not only a truly gifted singer, she has ventured into the world of television and movies a number of times. One of her roles was playing that of God in the 1999 film Dogma. This film is listed as a comedy/Drama.
Cher is one of the most successful people in both the world of acting and the world of music. Cher has not only had countless number one hits on the music charts, she has also managed to achieve Hollywood’s highest honor. In 1987, Cher won the best actress Oscar for her role in the film Moonstruck.
Keith Richards, lead guitarist for the Rolling Stones, was number 10 on Rolling Stone’s Greatest Guitarists of All Time list. In 2007 he ventured into the world of movies. Keith made a cameo appearance as Captain Teague in Pirates of the Caribbean, At World’s End.
Rapp star Snoop Dogg appears in the 2004 movie Starsky and Hutch. He plays the part of a police informant by the name of Huggy Bear.
David Bowie took on the role of the goblin king in Jim Hensen’s Labyrinth. The film which was released in 1986 and combined the talents of Bowie, Jennifer Connelly with a host of Muppets. Labyrinth, is an imaginative, learning journey for a young girl. Bowie was able to combine his acting and music talents in this fantasy musical.
Alice Cooper plays himself in the film Wayne’s World.
U571 is an action, war, drama set in World War II. This Oscar winning movie features the talents of legendary rocker Bon Jovi. Bon Jovi plays the part of the chief engineer aboard a submarine. David Keith and Mathew McConaughey also star in this fast moving action film. The film debuted in 2000 and was written and directed by Jonathon Mostow.
Sting the lead singer of the Police, explored his acting talents in the cult classic Dune. Dune, was an adaptation of the novel written by Frank Herbert. The movie was released in 1984 and was directed by David Lynch. In the film Sting plays the role of Feyd-Rautha, a nephew of the power hungry Baron.
Mick Jagger is another member of the Rolling Stones who has made the jump into acting. In 1970 he was cast in the lead role of the film Ned Kelly. Ned Kelly was an Australian bushranger and outlaw, who was eventually hanged in 1880 in Old Melbourne Goal. Mick’s portrayal of this notorious Australian was met with mixed reviews. Mick also made an appearance in the science fiction film Freejack. This movie was also received with very mixed reviews and did not do well at the box office.
Rock and roll icons are not the only musicians to try their hand at acting. There have been numerous country legends who have ventured into the realm of Holly wood.
Willie Nelson has appeared numerous times on both the big screen and in television movies and shows. He has played roles on Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Nash Bridges and Miami Vice. In films he played the lead in the western movie Barbarossa and was cast in the 2005 version of the Dukes of Hazzard. In this film version of popular television show, The Dukes of Hazzard, Willie Nelson played the role of Uncle Jessie Duke.
Tim McGraw plays the part of a football father in the hit movie Friday Night Lights.